
If you are having issues, or questions, feel free to check out the FAQ below or search the issues on the RedGrease GitHub repository.

If you can’t find a satisfactory answer, feel to post it as an “issue” in RedGrease GitHub repository:

These will be addressed on a best-effort basis.

Professional Support

RedGrease is backed by Lyngon Pte. Ltd. and professional support with SLA’s can be provided on request. For inquiries please send a mail to


Q: Can I use RedGrease for Commercial Applications?

A: Yes

RedGrease is licensed under the MIT license, which is a very permissive licence and allows for commercial use. The same goes for Open Source Redis, which is licensed under the 3-Clause-BSD licence, and is similarly permissive. However, the RedisGears module is licensed under a custom Redis Source Available License (RSAL), which limits usage to “non-database products”.

Q: Can I run Redis Gears / RedGrease on AWS ElastiCache?

A: No

Unfortunately AWS ElastiCache does not (yet) support Redis modules, including Redis Gears.

Q: Why are there so many spelling mistakes?

A: The author suffers from mild dyslexia and has a had time spotting when a word isn’t right.

Hopefully the sub-par spelling is not indicative of the quality of the software.

Reporting issues


Feel free to submit PRs.

Development Setup

After cloning or forking the repository, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. In the project root, create and activate a Python 3.7 virtual environment. E.g:

    cd redgrease
    virtualenv -p python3.7 .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  2. Install the Development, Test and all package requirements:

    pip install -r src/requirements-dev.txt
  3. Install redgrease in “develop” mode:

    pip install -e .
  4. [optional] If you want to build the docs:

    pip install -r docs/source/requirements.txt


It is highly recommended to check / lint the code regularly (continuously) with:

black src/
flake8 src/
isort src/
mypy src/

Local Testing

Sorry, this section is under construction!

Under Constuction

To run the test, docker needs to be installed as it is used to spin up clean Redis instances.

Courtesy of : Lyngon Pte. Ltd.