Source code for redgrease.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utility and boilerplate functions, such as parsers, value transformers etc.
__author__ = "Anders Åström"
__contact__ = ""
__copyright__ = "2021, Lyngon Pte. Ltd."
__licence__ = """The MIT License
Copyright © 2021 Lyngon Pte. Ltd.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
 software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software
 without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
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import ast
import functools
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Container, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, Union

from redgrease.typing import Constructor, Filterer, Key, RedisType, T, Val

# Not a parser
class _REnum(Enum):
    """Base Class for Redis-compatible enum values"""

    def __str__(self):
        return safe_str(self.value)

    def __bytes__(self):
        return to_redis_type(self.value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.value})"

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return str(self) == safe_str(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self))

# Not a parser
[docs]class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict): """Case insensitive dict implementation. Assumes string keys only. Heavily derived from redis.client ``_ """ def __init__(self, data): for k, v in data.items(): self[safe_str_upper(k)] = v def __contains__(self, k): return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__contains__(safe_str_upper(k)) def __delitem__(self, k): super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__delitem__(safe_str_upper(k)) def __getitem__(self, k): return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__getitem__(safe_str_upper(k))
[docs] def get(self, k, default=None): return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).get(safe_str_upper(k), default)
def __setitem__(self, k, v): super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__setitem__(safe_str_upper(k), v)
[docs] def update(self, data): data = CaseInsensitiveDict(data) super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).update(data)
[docs]def as_is(value: T) -> T: """Passthrough parser / identity function Args: value (T): Input value Returns: T: The value, unmodified. """ return value
[docs]def str_if_bytes(value: T) -> Union[T, str]: """Parses byte values into a string, non-byte values passthrough unchanged Slightly modified from redis.utils, as it is not exported Args: value (T): Any serialized Redis value Returns: Union[T, str]: Either a string or the input unchanged """ if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode("utf-8", errors="replace") return value
# Copied as is from redis.utils, as it is not exported
[docs]def safe_str(value: Any) -> str: """Parse anything to a string Args: value (Any): Input value Returns: str: String """ if value is None: return "" return str(str_if_bytes(value))
[docs]def safe_str_upper(value: Any) -> str: """Parse anything to an uppercase string Args: value (Any): Input value Returns: str: Parsed uppercase string """ return safe_str(value).upper()
[docs]def bool_ok(value: Any) -> bool: """Parse redis response as bool, such that: ``"Ok"`` => ``True`` Anything else => ``False`` Same name as in redis.client but slightly different implementation. Should be better for long non-Ok replies, e.g. images, erroneously passed to it Args: value (Any): Input value Returns: bool: Parsed boolean """ if isinstance(value, (bytes, str)): return safe_str_upper(value[:2]) == "OK" else: return False
[docs]def optional(constructor: Constructor[T]) -> Constructor[Optional[T]]: """Create parser that accepts ``None`` values, but otherwise behaves like the provided parser. Args: constructor (Constructor[T]): constructor to apply, unless the value is None. """ def parser(value): return None if value is None else constructor(value) return parser
[docs]def safe_bool(input: Any) -> bool: """Parse a bool, slightly more accepting allowing for literal ``"True"``/``"False"``, integer 0 or1, as well as ``"Ok"`` and ``"yes"``/``"no"`` values. Args: input (Any): Input value Returns: bool: Parsed boolean """ if isinstance(input, (bool, int)): return bool(input) if isinstance(input, (bytes, str)): return any( [ safe_str_upper(input[:4]).startswith(true_val) for true_val in ["TRUE", "OK", "1", "Y", "YES"] ] ) return False
# Not a parser
[docs]def to_int_if_bool(value: Any) -> Union[int, Any]: """Transforms any boolean into an integer As booleans are not natively supported as a separate datatype in Redis ``True`` => ``1`` ``False`` => ``0`` Args: value (Union[bool,Any]): A boolean value Returns: Union[int, Any]: Integer representation of the bool """ return int(value) if isinstance(value, bool) else value
# Not a parser
[docs]def to_redis_type(value: Any) -> RedisType: """Attempts to serialize a value to a Redis-native type. I.e. either: bytes, int or float It will serialize most primitive types (str, bool, int, float), as well as any complex type that implements ``__bytes__`` method Args: value (Any): Value to serialize for Redis Returns: RedisType: A serialized version """ if value is None: return bytes() if isinstance(value, bool): return to_int_if_bool(value) if isinstance(value, str): return value.encode() if hasattr(value, "__bytes__"): value.__bytes__() if isinstance(value, (bytes, int, float)): return value return to_redis_type(str(value))
[docs]def to_bytes(value: Any) -> bytes: compat_val = to_redis_type(value) if isinstance(compat_val, bytes): return compat_val else: return str(compat_val).encode()
# Not a parser
[docs]def to_list( mapping: Optional[Dict[Key, Val]], key_transform: Callable[[Key], Any] = str_if_bytes, val_transform: Callable[[Val], Any] = to_redis_type, ) -> List: """Flattens a Dict to a list consisting of the of keys and values altertnating. This is useful generating the arguments for Redis commands. Args: mapping (Dict[Key, Val]): The dict to flatten. key_transform (Callable[[Key], Any], optional): Transformation function for the keys. Defaults to 'str_if_bytes' val_transform (Callable[[Val], Any], optional): Transformation function for the values. Defaults to 'to_redis_type'. Returns: List: Flattened list of the transformed keys and values """ if mapping is None: return [] return list( [ item for key, value in mapping.items() for item in (key_transform(key), val_transform(value)) ] )
[docs]def transform( value: Any, constructor: Union[Constructor[T], Dict[Key, Constructor[T]]], key: Key = None, ) -> T: """Applies a transformation to a value. The tranformation function could either be passed directly or in a dictionary along with a key to look it up. This is mostly only useful as a helper function for constructors of composite types, where the value may need to be transformed differently depending on the field/key. Args: value (Any): Value to transform constructor (Union[Constructor[T], Dict[Any, Constructor[T]]]): Transformation function or a dict of transformation functions. If a dict is used, the key argument is used to look up the transformation. If the key is not present in the dict, but there is a 'None'-key mapping to a functsion, this function will be used as a default. Otherwise, the value will be returned untransformed. key (Key): key to use to look up the appropriate transforpation Returns: T: Transformed value """ if constructor is None: return value # type: ignore try: if isinstance(constructor, dict): if key in constructor: return constructor[key](value) # type: ignore elif None in constructor: return constructor[None](value) # type: ignore else: return value else: return constructor(value) # type: ignore except (TypeError, ValueError): # if for some reason the value can't be coerced, just use # the raw value return value
[docs]def to_dict( items: Iterable, keys: Iterable = None, key_transform: Union[Constructor[Key], Dict[Any, Constructor[Key]]] = None, val_transform: Union[Constructor[Val], Dict[Key, Constructor[Val]]] = None, ) -> Dict[Key, Val]: """Folds an iterable of values into a dict. This is useful for parsing Redis' list responseses into a more manageable structure. It can be used on lists of alternating unnamed Key and values, i.e:: [key_1, value_1, key_2, value_2, ... ] eg:: to_dict(["foo", 42, 13, 37]) == {"foo": 42, 13: 37} to_dict(["foo", 42, 13, 37], key_transform=str) == {"foo": 42, "13": 37} to_dict(["foo", 42, 13, 37], val_transform=str) == {"foo": "42", 13: "37"} to_dict( ["foo", 42, 13, 37], val_transform={"foo":int, 13:float} ) == {"foo": 42, 13: 37.0} to_dict( ["foo", 42, 13, 37], key_transform=str, val_transform={"foo":int, "13":float} ) == {"foo": 42, "13": 37.0} Args: items (Iterable): Iterable to "fold" into a dict key_transform (Union[Constructor[Key], Dict[Any, Constructor[Key]]], optional): Transformation function / type / constructor to apply to keys. It can either be a callable, which is then applied to all keys. Altertnatively, it can be a mapping from 'raw' key to a specific transform for that key Defaults to None (No key transformation). val_transform (Union[Constructor[Val], Dict[Key, Constructor[Val]]], optional): Transformation function / type / constructor to apply to values. It can either be a callable, which is then applied to all values. Altertnatively, it can be a mapping from (transformed) key to a specific transform for the value of that key Defaults to None (No value transformation). Returns: Dict[Key, Val]: Folded dictionary """ if items is None: return {} # type: ignore if key_transform is None: key_transform = as_is if val_transform is None: val_transform = as_is if keys: kv_pairs = zip(keys, items) else: it = iter(items) kv_pairs = zip(it, it) result = {} for key, value in kv_pairs: key = transform(key, key_transform, key) value = transform(value, val_transform, key) # type: ignore result[key] = value return result
[docs]def to_kwargs(items: Iterable) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Folds an iterable of values into a 'kwargs-compatible' dict. This is useful for constructing objects from Redis' list responseses, by means of an intermediate kwargs dict that can be passed to for example a constructor. It behaves exactly as 'to_dict' but enforces keys to be parsed to strings. - Alternating unnamed Key and values, i.e:: [key_1, value_1, key_2, value_2, ... ] eg: - input: ``["foo", 42, 13, 37]`` - output: ``{"foo": 42, "13": 37}`` Args: items (Iterable): Iterable to "fold" into a dict Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Folded dictionary """ return to_dict(items, key_transform=safe_str)
# TODO: Should maybe be renamed to list_of or parse_list or something
[docs]def list_parser(item_parser: Constructor[T]) -> Callable[[Iterable], List[T]]: """Creates a list parser for lists of objects created with a given constructor. E.g:: parser = list_parser(bool) parser(['', 1, None]) => ``[False, True, False]`` Args: item_parser (Constructor[T]): The constructor to apply to each element. Returns: Callable[[Iterable[Any]], List[T]]: Function that takes maps the constructor on to the iterable and returns the result as a list. """ def parser(input_list): if isinstance(input_list, bytes): input_list = safe_str(input_list) if isinstance(input_list, str): input_list = list(ast.literal_eval(input_list)) return list(map(item_parser, input_list)) return parser
# is this used anywhere? list_of_str = list_parser(safe_str)
[docs]def dict_of( constructors: Dict[Key, Constructor[Any]] ) -> Callable[[Iterable, Iterable[Key]], Dict[Key, Any]]: """Creates a parser that parses a list of values to a dict, according to a dict of named constructors. The generated parser takes both the iterable of values to parse, as well as, an equally long, iterable of names/keys to to use to lookup the corresponding parser/constructor in the constructor lookup dict. The parser for the Nth value is using the parser found by looking up the Nth name/key in the key list in the lookup dict. This key is also used as the key in the resulting dict. E.g:: parser = dict_of({"b":bool, "i":int, "s":str, "f":float}) parser([0,1,0,1], ["b","f","s","i"]) => ``{"b":False, "f":1.0, "i":1, "s":"0"}`` Args: constructors (Dict[str, Constructor[Any]]): Dict of named constructors Returns: Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]]: Dict parser """ def parser(values: Iterable, keys: Iterable[Key]): return { key: transform(value, constructors, key) for (key, value) in zip(keys, values) } return parser
[docs]class Record: """Class representing a Redis Record, as generated by KeysReader. Attributes: key (str): The name of the Redis key. value (Any): The value corresponting to the key. `None` if deleted. type (str): The core Redis type. Either 'string', 'hash', 'list', 'set', 'zset' or 'stream'. event (str): The event that triggered the execution. (`None` if the execution was created via the run function.) """ def __init__( self, key: str, value: Any = None, type: str = None, event: str = None, **kwargs, ): if not key: raise ValueError(f"Record cannot be created with empty key '{key}'.") self.key = safe_str(key) self.value = value self.type = safe_str(type) self.event = safe_str(event) self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs]class StreamRecord: """Class representing a Redis Record, as generated by KeysReader. Attributes: key (str): The name of the Redis key. value (Any): The value corresponting to the key. `None` if deleted. type (str): The core Redis type. Either 'string', 'hash', 'list', 'set', 'zset' or 'stream'. event (str): The event that triggered the execution. (`None` if the execution was created via the run function.) """ def __init__( self, key: str, id: str = None, value: Any = None, **kwargs, ): if not key: raise ValueError(f"Record cannot be created with empty key '{key}'.") self.key = safe_str(key) = safe_str(id) if id else None self.value = value self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs]def record(rec: Any) -> Record: """Create a Record Args: rec (Any): the value to parse. Either a string (key only) or a dict with at minimum the key `key` present and optionally any of the keys `value`, `type` and/or `event`. Returns: Record: Parsed Record object. """ if isinstance(rec, Record): return rec if isinstance(rec, dict): return Record(**rec) return Record(rec)
[docs]def stream_record(rec: Any) -> StreamRecord: """Create a Record Args: rec (Any): the value to parse. Either a string (key only) or a dict with at minimum the key `key` present and optionally any of the keys `value`, `type` and/or `event`. Returns: Record: Parsed Record object. """ if isinstance(rec, StreamRecord): return rec if isinstance(rec, dict): return StreamRecord(**rec) return StreamRecord(rec)
[docs]def compose(*function: Callable) -> Callable: """Compose functions. I.e:: lambda x: f(g(x)) can be written:: compose(f, g)`` Args: *function (Callable): Any number of functions to compose together. Output type of function N must be the input type of function N+1. Returns: Callable: A composed function with input type same as the firs function, and output type same as the last function. """ return functools.reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)), function, lambda x: x)
[docs]def dict_filter(**kwargs) -> Filterer[Dict[str, Any]]: """Create a dictionary matching predicate function. This function takes any number of keyword arguments, and returns a predicate function that takes a single `dict` as argument and returns a `bool`. The predicate function returns `True` if, and only if, for all keyword arguments: 1. The keyword argument name is a key in the dict, and 2. Depending on the value, V, of the keyword argument, either: - V is Container type (**excluding** ``str``) The dict value for the key is present in V - V is a Type (e.g. ``bool``) The dict value for the key is of type V. - V is any value, except ``...`` (Ellipsis) The dict value for the key equals V. - V is ``...`` (Ellipsis) The dict value can be any value. """ def predicate(record): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in record: return False if v == ...: continue elif isinstance(v, Container) and not isinstance(v, str): if record[k] not in v: return False elif isinstance(v, Type): if not isinstance(record[k], v): return False elif v != record[k]: return False return True return predicate
[docs]def passfun(fun: Optional[T] = None, default: Optional[T] = None) -> T: """Create a Python 'function' object from any 'Callable', or constant. RedisGears operator callbacks ony accept proper 'function's and not every type of 'Callable', such as for example 'method's (e.g. `redgrease.cmd.incr`) or 'method-desriptor's (e.g. `str.split`), which forces users to write seemingly "unnecessary" lambda-functions to wrap these. This function ensures that the argument is a proper 'function', and thus will be accepted as RedisGears operator callback (assuming the type signature is correct). It can also be used to create 'constant'-functions, if passing a non-callable, or to create the 'identity-function`, if called with no arguments. Args: fun (Optional[T], optional): Callable to turn into a 'function` Alternatively a constant, to use to create a constant function, i.e. a function that alway return the same thing, regarding of input. If None, and no default, the 'identity-function' is returned. Defaults to None. default (Optional[T], optional): Default Callable to use as fallback if the 'fun' argument isn't a callable. Defaults to None. Returns: T: [description] """ if fun is None: return passfun(default) if default else lambda x: x # type: ignore if type(fun).__name__ == "function": return fun if callable(fun): return lambda *a, **kw: fun(*a, **kw) # type: ignore return passfun(default) if default else lambda *__, **_: fun # type: ignore